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Our system now allows you to choose which types of emails you want to continue receiving - or to unsubscribe completely. We hope you’ll choose to stay in touch, even if you don’t want every kind of message we send.

Please take a minute to make your choices below. And thank you for your time and (we hope) continued interest in Delaware Life.

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1. Please indicate your email preferences below.

Tell us what you would like to continue receiving (or not).

Product information: Delaware Life annuity news, product rates, company ratings notices, performance updates, and product revisions.

Sales drivers: Marketing messages, sales ideas, and new client point-of-purchase materials.

Business builders: Educational materials for financial professionals and clients/prospects, including from the Delaware Life National Sales Consulting group.

Legal notices: State and federal regulatory notices affecting annuities.

Service announcements: Information related to maintenance and servicing of current Delaware Life annuity and life insurance contracts.



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